Spotlight on our Graduate Students - Neil Bochenek

Neil Bochenek
We focus on our graduate students and their activities in the School of Industrial Engineering. This month the spotlight is on Neil Bochenek.

Name: Neil Bochenek

Degree Sought: Masters in Industrial Engineering

Expected Graduation Date: December 2011

Specialization: Operations Research

Hometown: Canton, MI

Why I came to Purdue:

Purdue's strong reputation in IE graduate studies was a major factor. I also was looking to stay in the Big Ten region and spoke with Purdue alumni who helped convince me that Purdue would be a great choice.

A brief description of research/other duties in the school:

I was on the non-thesis track and therefore was primarily taking classes to fulfill degree requirements. Other major activities I participated in were IE GSO events and INFORMS seminars.

What I envisage for my future after Purdue:

After graduation, I plan on finding a job in an Operations Analyst position or in a technical field in the area of quality and reliability. I would like to become six-sigma black belt certified and become a team leader and trainer in this area.

Which organizations are you involved with on-campus and why:

IE GSO: When I came to Purdue, the area was very new to me and I didn’t know any current students. The IE GSO held many events during the first couple of weeks that really made me feel more comfortable here and allowed me to meet many people from the department. Throughout the semester they offered social events which provided a great way to take a break and talk with people in your department that you don’t see very often.

INFORMS: Attending the seminars was a great way to learn about the ongoing research in operations research and spark interest in different fields.