Shanghai Jiao Tong University Program Information

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Pre-Approved Courses


Every attempt is made to ensure these pages are accurate. However, the information herein is not official.  Any questions regarding requirements, policies, and procedures should be directed to the IE Undergraduate Program Office.


Shanghai Jiao Tong University Course Purdue Equivalent Course
IO 317 - Stochastic Modeling IE 33600 – Operations Research – Stochastic Models
ME 373 - Manufacturing Processes I IE 37000 – Manufacturing Processes I
BUS 354 - Quality Management IE 49000 – Quality Management
ME 345 - Engineering Material IE 49000 – Structure and Properties of Materials
Some non-major courses may be approved. Check with your advisor.


  • Meet with your IE academic advisor to discuss if and how this opportunity will work for you
  • Register for the appropriate study abroad program for Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • Complete any required documents necessary for enrollment and travel