Lightning Talk Presenter
Yong Chen

Yong Chen
Purdue University
Yong P. Chen is the Karl Lark-Horovitz Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Purdue University, and a Villum Investigator/Professor at Aarhus University. He is also an international principal investigator at World-Premier-Institute (WPI)-Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR) at Tohoku University. He leads an interdisciplinary research group that works on quantum matter and devices involving such systems as graphene & 2D materials, topological insulators, and cold atoms & molecules, and explores their applications in electronics, sensors, energy and quantum information. He has published over 200 papers and delivered over 200 invited talks and seminars on these topics. He was a recipient of Masao Horiba Award, NSF CAREER Award, DOD DTRA Young Investigator Award, IBM Faculty Award and Purdue University’s Miller Family Professorship in Nanoscience and University Faculty Scholar Award. He received an MSc degree in mathematics from MIT, a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and did a postdoc in physics and nanotechnology at Rice University. He is a Fellow of American Physical Society (APS).