Information for Current ENE Graduate Students
As a current student, the latest ENE Graduate Programs Handbook (2023) as well as detailed information on the following topics will be shared with you in Box @ Purdue.
- New Student Orientation
- Course and Research Registration
- MSENE Plan of Study
- PhD Degree Requirements
- PhD Advance Planning List (for coursework)
- PhD Timelines and Milestones
- PhD Forming a Graduate Advisory Committee
- PhD Developing a Plan of Study
- PhD Preparing for a Preliminary Exam
- PhD Preparing for a Final (Thesis) Exam
- PhD Graduate Exit Checklist
Other related links:
- MyPurdue
- Brightspace
- BoilerConnect
- Campus Resources
- Student Health Insurance
- Purdue Student Organizations
- RCR (Responsible Conduct of Research) Requirements and Certification
- Travel Grants (sponsored by the College of Engineering)
- Travel Grants (sponsored by the Purdue Graduate Student Government)
Updated: 12/3/2024