ENE 50100

Professional Development in Engineering Education

1 credit, CRN 47053 (Fall 2014)

Tuesdays, 9:30 — 10:20 am

ARMS 3109


Dr. Ruth Streveler, streveler@purdue.edu

Office Hours – Thursdays, 1:15-3:15 pm, ARMS 1307

Course Description

This course is designed to give students entering the Engineering Education graduate program opportunities to explore their roles within the field of engineering education, create a learning plan that maps to program requirements, and develop habits of mind to support their ongoing professional development.  This emphasis on professional development includes aspects of what it means to engage as a professional (responsible conduct of research, mentor/mentee relationships, community participation, awareness of diversity, link research and practice) and what it means to be a professional in this community (intentional reflective practice via starting an ENE portfolio and developing a plan to meet ENE competencies).

The course seeks to support a “community of practice” culture in which Purdue students, faculty, administrators, and those in the broader community participate in learning partnerships of mutual support, critical reflection, and discourse.  Students, faculty, and other speakers will present research topics, academic opportunities, and other information that will enhance students’ graduate experiences.

This class is about learning about one’s own values, decision-making strategies, and pathway and about how one’s ENE colleagues (both students and faculty) also navigated their career path.

Enduring Outcome and Learning Objectives

The enduring outcome of this course is for students to cultivate reflective practice as a habit of mind.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an ability to critically reflect upon personal learning goals and articulate a learning plan.
  2. Interpret the graduate portfolio competency requirements to suit unique background and interests.
  3. Identify and interact with members of the engineering education community.
  4. Identify and utilize resources that will help with successful completion of the doctoral program and transition into the professional engineering education community.
  5. Demonstrate foundational knowledge of responsible conduct of research (Integrity, Ethics, Professionalism).

Grading Policy and Assignments





Weekly sharing and questions for visitors


Weekly assignments will include:

(1) Reflecting on your growth as a professional within ENE as prompted by weekly reflection questions and activities,

(2) Submitting a brief summary of your reflection on Blackboard* by noon each Monday. Note that Blackboard posts will be visible to your class peers for sharing.   

(3) Reading through your classmates’ reflections by class on Tuesday.

(4) Preparing for class by (a) completing readings and (b) bringing questions to class, and

(4) Participate actively in class.

Reflective journal summary


Create a summary of reflective journal comments that demonstrates how identifies two themes you see in your growth over the semester. Your reflective journal summary is due on December 2. Be prepared to discuss your journal summary in class on December 2. Post your final copy to Blackboard on Dec 3 by 11:59pm.

Responsible Conduct of Research training


A requirement of the Graduate College is completion of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Responsible Conduct of Research online training. We will have a class discussion as to the importance of this topic and you are required to complete this training, print the full certificate, which is called the Curriculum Completion Report, and turn it in by October 21.  The link to training is https://www.citiprogram.org/default.asp?language=english.

Portfolio learning plan


To help you in your development as an engineering education professional, you will be asked to develop and think about your personal learning objectives within the overall context of the program and draft a portfolio that can guide your learning decisions. There will be a set of activities to help you develop these critical reflection skills, create learning goals and plans, map goals to ENE graduate deliverables (e.g., competencies and plan of study), and self-assess progress towards these goals Your portfolio learning plan is due on December 9. Be prepared to discuss your portfolio learning plan in class on December 9. Post your final copy to Blackboard on Dec 10 by 11:59pm.

The Learning Environment

Community Expectations

Students are expected to:

  1. Attend all classes.  If you must miss a class, please let us know and make arrangements with other class members for a summary and review.
  2. Fully engage in all classes. Full engagement requires reading and reflecting on all assigned materials by the assigned time, actively participating in class discussions and activities, and completing quality work.  Full engagement also means being attentive in class and limiting use of electronic devices to class-related activities such as taking notes or viewing slides.
  3. Act with civility and professionalism.
  4. Follow scholastic conduct policy: http://www.purdue.edu/univregs/pages/stu_conduct/stu_regulations.html
  5. Complete and submit a thoughtful online course evaluation.

Students can expect that the instructor will:

  1. Provide a supportive learning environment that fosters your success.
  2. Create assignments and exercises that are meaningful to you.
  3. Honor and respect your interests.

Academic Integrity Expectations

Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. All members of the academic community, faculty and students, are expected to obey rules of honest scholarship. Here are the basic assumptions about academic work at Purdue University:

  1. Students attend Purdue University in order to learn and grow.
  2. Academic assignments exist for the sake of this goal.
  3. Grades exist to show how fully the goal is attained.
  4. Thus, all work and all grades should result from the student’s own effort to learn and grow. Academic work completed any other way is pointless, and grades obtained any other way are fraudulent.

Academic integrity means understanding these basic rules, without which no university can exist. Academic misconduct (cheating) is not just “against the rules;” it destroys the mutual trust and respect that should exist between student and professor, and it is unfair to students who earn their grades honestly. 

Attendance Policy

You are expected to attend all scheduled classes unless you have contacted the instructor prior to the class. Excessive unexcused absences will result in deductions from your participation/attendance grade.

Tentative Schedule

Note that students are responsible to inform themselves about any changes/additions to this syllabus.




Faculty Stories

Reading (due)

Assignment (due)




What is “reflective practice”?





Sept 2

Portfolio and Journal Deliverables,

The concept of “self-authorship”



(1) Sattler et al., 2012

(2) Grossman, 2009

(3) ENE competencies

(1) Weekly reflection in your private reflective journal

(2) Blackboard: Share something from your weekly reflection with the class by noon on Monday and read others’ reflections by class time on Tuesday


Sept 9

Faculty Career Stories


Streveler and Hynes

Information about today’s guests from ENE research site

(1), (2) and

(3) Questions for today’s guests on index cards


Sept 16

Faculty Career Stories


Loui and Ohland

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3)


Sept 23

Faculty Career Stories


Main and Jesiek

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3)


Sept 30

Faculty Career Stories


Godwin and DeBoer

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]


Oct 7

Faculty Career Stories


Cardella and Purzer

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]


Oct 14

October Break –

No Class -





Oct 21

Faculty Career Stories


Berger and Pawley

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]

Complete CITI training by 9:30am today  - bring hardcopy of certificate to class


Oct 28

Faculty Career Stories


Madhavan and Cox

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]


Nov 4

Faculty Career Stories


Moore and Pilotte

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]

Portfolio Part 2 (due)


Nov 11

Faculty Career Stories


Diefus-Dux and Adams

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]


Nov 18

Faculty Career Stories


Brown and Brophy

Same as for Sept 9 but for today’s guests

(1), (2), (3) [See Sept 9]



Nov 25

Thanksgiving week –

No class





Dec 2

Discussion on reflective journals



Reflective journal summary due December 3. Post on Blackboard by 11:59pm.


Dec 9

Share your learning plan

“Self-authorship” revisited



Portfolio learning plan is due by December 10. Post on Blackboard by 11:59pm.

Faculty visitors

The bulk of the course consists of faculty visiting the class and discussing their career paths. These discussions are meant to be very informal. Students are asked to prepare questions and bring them to class each week. The instructor will act as a moderator, however, students are encouraged to ask follow-up questions that arise and schedule individual time to meet with faculty for further discussions.

What faculty visitors are asked to think about as they prepare to visit the class?

The overall theme of these visits is: “How did I get here?” – particularly the pivot points (forks in the road) in their careers. What were the forks in the road? How did they decide which path to follow? What do those decisions reveal about (1) their core values and (2) how they help their advisees navigate their own career paths?

What students should think about as they prepare for and listen to faculty stories?

How do faculty stories illuminate your own career story? What do the stories tell you about the faculty mentoring styles? What resonates with your mentoring needs?


Grossman, R. (2009). Structures for facilitating student reflection. College Teaching, 57 (1), 15-22.

Sattler, B., Turns, J., & Mobrand, K. (2012).  Supporting self-authorship development: The contribution of preparedness portfolios.”  Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.


In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances.  Should such an event occur, please consult the course website for further information. 

Nondiscrimination Policy Statement

Purdue University is committed to maintaining a community which recognizes and values the inherent worth and dignity of every person; fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect among its members; and encourages each individual to strive to reach his or her own potential. In pursuit of its goal of academic excellence, the University seeks to develop and nurture diversity. The University believes that diversity among its many members strengthens the institution, stimulates creativity, promotes the exchange of ideas, and enriches campus life.

Purdue University prohibits discrimination against any member of the University community on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a veteran. The University will conduct its programs, services and activities consistent with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders and in conformance with the procedures and limitations as set forth in Executive Memorandum No. D-1, that provides specific contractual rights and remedies.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him/her from fully demonstrating his/her abilities should contact the instructor as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunities.