EAC member Angie Martin combined her love of STEM with her love for the outdoors

From the moment she arrived at Purdue, Angie Martin knew she wanted to be an engineer.

From the moment she arrived at Purdue, Angie Martin knew she wanted to be an engineer. The EEE External Advisory Council (EAC) member is currently Senior Vice President at Heritage Environmental Services, where Martin (PE, CHMM) oversees national emergency response, waste allocation, sustainability, and customer training efforts. 

Angie Martin (left) visits Yosemite National Park with her husband of 31 years, Jeff Martin, who holds a mechanical engineering degree from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. 

Martin began her career 35 years ago as an engineering co-operative education intern at Heritage. Since completing her B.S. in civil engineering at Purdue, Martin has gained significant experience in environmental engineering, specifically waste management, emergency response, and regulatory affairs including interpreting, applying, and communicating complex environmental statutes and regulations to the industry in a practical fashion.

“I chose civil engineering with an environmental emphasis because it combined my love of STEM with my love of all things outdoors. I find environmental engineering rewarding in that we are able to separate or destroy hazardous chemicals from environmental media, stewarding the earth for future generations, especially my granddaughter,” Martin says.

Martin is President of the Spill Control Association of America and Immediate Past President of The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance. She represents Heritage on the Environmental Technology Council and serves on the EPA e-Manifest Advisory Board. She has participated in many national-scale emergency response efforts and leads Heritage’s rapid-response team. Martin frequently speaks on emerging regulatory trends and environmental challenges such as sustainability, PFAS “forever” chemicals, and various RCRA-related topics.

Why did Martin join the EEE External Advisory Council?

“We at Heritage are always seeking new talent and EEE graduates seamlessly assimilate into our company and culture. I also serve on the EAC because I am passionate about women in engineering. My daughters both hold engineering degrees; as a bonus, my younger daughter is a Boilermaker. The EEE program is over 50% women, one of the highest percentages in the College. I want to offer whatever advice and support that I can to future generations of female engineers,” Martin explains.   

Still an outdoor enthusiast, Martin has visited 33 U.S. National Parks, putting her halfway toward her goal of exploring every national park in the country.

Writer:  Jessica MehrPurdue Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Source:  Angie Martin