CCE Global Programs

CCE Semester Study Abroad (12 cr.)

The CCE Semester Abroad is designed to provide a one semester study abroad experience for all CCE students with good academic standing. The program enables CCE students to spend one semester at an international partner institution during their junior year including (additional locations are available):

Other features:

  • No language requirement – all core and many technical and non-technical courses are taught in English.
  • No impact to plan of study (POS) and time-to-graduation. We have identified a selected set of courses at the partner institution that will transfer as CCE core courses.
  • Each partner institution will accept up to 2-4 Purdue CCE students at a time.
  • You will pay the normal Purdue tuition and fees and you will be considered a full-time student at Purdue. This should not impact your scholarship or other financial aid eligibility.

The CCE Semester Abroad is designed specifically for CCE students with support from the Purdue Study Abroad Program in Young Hall (room 105).

CCE Maymester/Summer Programs

CE 497: CE Study Abroad in a Specific Country (3 cr.)

This is a 3 credit hour course that can be counted as a Technical Elective for CCE students once.  A CCE instructor leads the program and coordinates learning opportunities at a specific site. Lectures at local institutions are planned as well as sight-seeing tours.  

Previous CCE Maymester CE 49700 study abroad trips:

  • 2023 - Evolution of European Transportation Systems and Supply Chains - United Kingdom, Germany, and Czechia (Prof. Darcy Bullock)
  • 2023 - Smart Mobility in Europe - Germany and Czechia (Prof. Satish Ukkusuri)
  • 2019 - Sweden (Prof. Inez Hua)
  • 2018 - United Kingdom, Germany, and Salzburg, Austria (Prof. Darcy Bullock)
  • 2018 - Intelligent Infrastructure Management in Singapore (Prof. Samuel Labi)
  • 2017 - United Kingdom, Germany, and Graz, Austria (Prof. Darcy Bullock)
  • 2016 - United Kingdom, Germany, and France (Prof. Darcy Bullock)
  • 2015 - Sweden (Prof. Inez Hua)
  • 2014 - New Zealand (Prof. Ayhan Irfanoglu)
  • 2014 - United Kingdom (Prof. Darcy Bullock)
  • 2013 - Australia (Prof. Satish Ukkusuri)
  • 2012 - Brazil (Profs. Monica Prezzi and Rod Salgado)
  • 2011 - United Kingdom (Prof. Kathy Banks)
  • 2010 - United Kingdom (Prof. Dulcy Abraham)
  • 2009 - China (Prof. Chad Jafvert and Prof. Ming Qu)
  • 2008 - Turkey (Prof. Ayhan Irfanoglu)

Interested students should contact Melody Carducci  (  for details.

Purdue Study Abroad Programs

The Purdue Study Abroad Program offers many study abroad destinations for Purdue students. There are a variety of semester-long or year-long destinations (12-24 cr.), as well as many short-term overseas programs that last from four days to several weeks over Maymester or the Summer-semester (1-9 cr.). The Maymester/Summer programs are led by a Purdue instructor teaching one course. Participants earn from one to nine credit hours, depending on the length of the program. These programs provide excellent opportunities for students to experience travel abroad and planning for future long term study abroad experiences.

Please remember that when you are searching for a destination to check the following:

  • Academic calendar – many countries have a different academic schedule than the Unites States. For example, in Australia, the first semester begins in mid-February and ends in July. The second semester of the school year begins in July and ends early December.
  • Language requirement – although many international institutions offer courses taught in English, the selection may be limited for engineering courses.

Program destinations and offerings change every year. Visit the Purdue Study Abroad website to find a destination that fits you and apply with the Purdue Study Abroad Program Office in Young Hall.

GEP - Global Engineering Program

The Global Engineering Program provides opportunities to all engineering students at Purdue through:

Consider adding a Global Engineering Minor – a comprehensive program integrating on-campus and international experiences.

For more information, stop by the GEP Office in Dudley Hall, Room 2586 or call 765-496-8304.

International Internships

The Office of Professional Practice (within the College of Engineering) and the Purdue Study Abroad Office offer several international internship programs. For example, OPP offers the Global Partners in Apprenticeship Learning (G-PAL) Program and the Study Abroad Office offers the Engineering Internship in Hannover and Clausthal Program.

These programs are administered by their respective offices and you should contact them for application details.