Research Centers
Center for High Performance Buildings (CHPB)
The CHPB is dedicated to partnering with industry in the development, demonstration, evaluation, and deployment of new technologies and analysis tools for high performance buildings. CHPB is a multi-disciplinary effort involving researchers from Mechanical, Civil (Architectural), and Electrical Engineering and Psychological Sciences. The team has the expertise and unique facilities to consider a wide range of applications related to engineered environments that address numerous important issues in indoor environmental quality, human comfort and productivity, comfort delivery systems, building envelopes, lighting, equipment efficiency and reliability, environmental impact, controls, automation, etc.
Center for Plumbing Safety
In 2016, the U.S. government provided our multi-university team a $1,989,000 grant to initiate this project in addition to $1,100,000 contributed by our research partners. This project involves organizations from the building construction, plumbing, water utility, education, and public health sectors and input from homeowners and representatives from the general public. Together, we are working to understand how to make certain the water you use at home, at work, and schools is safe.
Center for Road Safety (CRS)
The Center for Road Safety (CRS) conducts research and develops engineering tools in the area of road safety including those relating to the driver, vehicle, and roadway characteristics. The Center has extensive expertise in identifying factors that affect safety, in the development and design of safety databases, and in developing and implementing computer-based tools to assist in all aspects of safety management and planning. The Center utilizes the latest methodological techniques and can deliver decision support systems in user-friendly computer tools customized to end-user conditions and needs. The Center provides service to a wide variety of local, state and federal agencies including counties, cities, the Indiana Department of Transportation, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, the Federal Highway Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carriers Association.
Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program (IN LTAP)
IN LTAP supports a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation system by improving the skills and knowledge of local transportation providers through training, technical assistance, and technology transfer.
Joint Transportation Research Program (JTRP)
JTRP is one of the oldest transportation research programs in the U.S. Established in 1937, JTRP is a partnership between the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University and has become a national model for the successful partnership of government, academia, and the private sector, combining their efforts in a mutually rewarding research program. Their function is to make basic studies of materials used in highways; facilitate economical design, construction, and maintenance of county and state highways; investigate traffic, safety, and other items as desired and agreed upon; provide advanced instruction in the fundamentals of highway engineering and related research; and provide practical experience in construction and maintenance procedures in the use of highway materials. JTRP's major outreach activity is the Annual Purdue Road School, which is held annually on the Purdue West Lafayette campus in conjunction with the Indiana LTAP. Click here for information on FMCSA Title VI compliance.
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure Network Coordination Office (NHERI-NCO)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) launched the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) in 2015 with a $40-million investment. NHERI provides a network of shared, state-of-the-art research facilities and tools at universities around the country to help better understand and resist the impacts of wind, water and earthquake hazards. The Purdue-led Network Coordination Office (NCO) center serves as a focal point and leader of a multi-hazards research community focused on mitigating the impact of future earthquakes and windstorms, and related hazards such as tsunamis and storm surge on our nation's physical civil infrastructure.
Steel Bridge Research, Inspection, Training, and Engineering Center (S-BRITE)
Utilizing some of Purdue’s existing strengths in education and research, the S-BRITE Center engages faculty and engineers from around the country in order to explore partnership opportunities in training and research. Finally, a “Distributed Expertise Network” (DEN), which includes specific experts from inside and outside of Purdue, assists Center Partners with specific and complex problems.