ABE Team wins ISB Student Soybean Innovation Competition

Team FiltraSoy took top honors and $20,000 in the Student Soybean Innovation Competition Award Ceremony on Tuesday, March 28th at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Team members are Andrew Huang, Sushant Mehan, Samaneh Saadat and Anderson Smith, all from Agricultural & Biological Engineering.  Andrew and Anderson are in the area of Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering while Sushant and Samaneh are ABE PhD students.

The team designed and developed a soy-based HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), filter for use in residential and commercial applications.  The FiltraSoy entry is made from renewable resources and is biodegradable, making it more environmentally friendly and roughly 15% more effective than current high-efficiency HVAC filters available on the market.

Additionally the FiltraSoy Team earned the People’s Choice Award for getting the most votes from those in attendance at the Award Ceremony, which earned them an additional $500 cash prize!

Way to represent! The work our students do here MATTERS!