Professor John Lumkes receives Inaugural Global Engineering Impact Award

Dr. John Lumkes has been selected to receive the first Global Engineering Program "Global Engineering Impact Award." The award is granted in recognition of his commitment to providing global learning opportunities for Purdue College of Engineering students, his leadership in the development of partnerships and programs with global impact, and his demonstration of campus-wide, national, and global engagement.

The award is based on "contributions to developing students who are the future problem solvers of our global community." The citation goes on to note:

Global Design Teams: Basic Utility Vehicle (BUV) Global Design Team in Cameroon since 2009, which has directly impacted more than 50 students at Purdue, and contributed to the work of ACREST, a dedicated NGO whose goals of community service, environmental sustainability, and improved technology.

Study Abroad: China Globalization, Agriculture, and the Environment, which explored the impact of unprecedented growth on local culture and environment, and global energy and economic policy through study of agriculture, history, and culture.

The development of new courses, such as exploring and developing alternatives for sustainable energy for homes in marginalized communities in Jordan, expanding opportunities for service and learning in Cameroon, and seeking ways in which to expand student exchange opportunities in Brazil.

Your leadership in sharing your experiences through seminars, workshops, and publications, hosting international guests, and the aforementioned development of effective global educational opportunities are indicative of your profound commitment to global learning and responsibility.

The award will be presented at the Global Engineering Design Seminar, Friday, January 20, at 3:30 pm in ME 1061.

Congratulations, Dr. Lumkes! You represent us well.