Professor John Lumkes and the BUV team: Purdue students will visit Cameroon to build basic utility vehicle

The Basic Utility Vehicle team from Purdue won this year's competition and will be headed to Bangang, Cameroon, next week to show the local villagers how to build the latest, and greatest, version of the multipurpose vehicle.

Professor John Lumkes, the group's advisor, was very pleased with the competition results. "The vehicle and students did great, winning the competition. We drove over 60 miles carrying 110 gallons of water and two people, for 2 hours on Friday night and almost 9 hours on Saturday. Our vehicle was the least expensive, the lightest, and performed extremely well. Now to focus on building it in Cameroon..."

The links below are to various news stories as well as footage from the competitions and production/testing of the vehicles.

Purdue University News Service: Purdue students will visit Cameroon to build basic utility vehicle

Photos and videos of the competitions (courtesy Professor John Lumkes)