ABE Undergraduate Program Ranked #1 by US News & World Report

Event Date: September 13, 2011
Welcome to a new place - a place where both the Undergraduate and Graduate programs are ranked #1 by US News & World Report!

While the #1 ranking is not a new place for either program, we are delighted to have both of our programs recognized at this level of distinction. The value of a Purdue Agricultural & Biological Engineering degree has never been higher, as evidenced by record enrollment - over 350 undergraduates in our undergraduate programs (Agricultural Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Agricultural Systems Management) and 110 graduate students.

Join us in celebrating this recognition of your hard work - we couldn't have done it without you!

From Dr. Bernie Engel, department head:

Congratulations!   The US News & World Report announced today that our undergraduate Agricultural and Biological Engineering program is ranked number 1!

The US News & World Report rankings can be found at http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/engineering.

Congratulations to all of our students in our Agricultural Engineering, Biological Engineering, and Agricultural Systems Management degree programs.  When you chose our program, you knew you were pursuing a degree in an excellent program.  The ranking confirms you made an outstanding choice.  As you visit the industrial roundtable today and tomorrow, you will see large smiles on the faces of the many ABE alumni that you will encounter – they understand the value of being part of a top program.

Congratulations ABE faculty and staff as this is recognition of your commitment to our students.  Thank you for all you do to make Purdue ABE a great program.

Earlier this year, the US News & World Report recognized our graduate program as the number 1 program.  The two number 1 rankings certainly place Purdue ABE in a unique position.

Again, congratulations on this recognition!


And from the Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture, Jay Akridge:

Good morning ABE!  Well, this is a terrific way to start a day – my congratulations on now being named, without qualification, the number 1 Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering in the nation!  Having both your graduate and undergraduate programs named number 1 is simply a remarkable accomplishment.  I have kidded Bernie multiple times publicly about ‘fixing the undergraduate program’ because it was ranked ‘only’ number 3 (while the graduate program was number 1) – and look what you folks have done!

Seriously, as I have said many times before, ABE is a very special place.  As exciting as these rankings are, what I get excited about is the people of ABE.  Your department is home to exceptional students, faculty and staff who care deeply about our education mission, and alumni and industry who support you 110%.  Put that together with the terrific leadership of your Department Head, Dr. Bernie Engel, and the great work and accolades follow.

Again, my congratulations.  Thanks to each of you for your role in making this happen.  It is an exciting time to be in ABE, and I truly believe that the future for this Department is even brighter.

Enjoy this moment – you have truly earned it!

All the best.

Jay Akridge

Additional press coverage is available from Agricultural Communications.