Advancing Space Exploration at Purdue - Symposium

Event Date: February 10, 2025
Hosted By: College of Engineering
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Location: STEW 218
Priority: No
College Calendar: Show

Join the College of Science with faculty and experts as they discuss leading the next giant leap in human and robotic exploration.

Registration Form

Goals and Scope

Purdue is a leading institution in space exploration, including human spaceflight, planetary science, astronautical engineering, and beyond. Establishing interdisciplinary connections between these groups will enable Purdue to be responsive to upcoming space exploration opportunities. The inaugural Advancing Space Exploration at Purdue Symposium, hosted by the College of Science, brings together Purdue and external leaders to discuss collaborative opportunities in robotic and human space exploration, including scientific mission planning, sustainable human exploration, and the development of enabling technology. We will identify key scientific and engineering priorities, strategic knowledge gaps, and upcoming opportunities for flight from both NASA and the private sector.

Keynote Speaker

Laurie Leshin, Director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

Additional Speakers

  • Shannon Fitzpatrick, Associate Director of Flight Programs at NASA
  • Tiffany Morgan, Deputy Director of the Mars Exploration Program
  • Andrew Feustel, Astronaut, geophysicist, Purdue alumnus and Purdue Presidential Ambassador
  • And more.