William Benjamin is a PhD Student at C Design Lab. His research interests include Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
Apart form being a researcher, William is an avid photographer and artist. His goals that drive him are:
-To work with an energetic team to create something phenomenal!
-To practice engineering as an art.
-To bring engineering into art.
-To make Computer Vision interactive and relevant to real world.
-To work among the best, most creative, and talented people in the world.

Juxtapoze: Supporting Serendipity and Creative Expression in Clipart Compositions

Juxtapoze: Supporting Serendipity and Creative Expression in Clipart Compositions

Juxtapoze is a clipart composition workflow that supports creative expression and serendipitous discoveries in the shape domain. We achieve creative expression by supporting a workflow of searching, editing, and composing: the user queries the shape database using...