Nuclear Engineering Graduate Organization

The mission of the Nuclear Engineering Graduate Organization, (NEGO):

The purposes of the NEGO are to facilitate interaction and build community between graduate students, attract new graduate students, welcome incoming graduate students, provide professional development and contacts, and encourage graduate students to become involved on campus. Moreover, the NEGO is designed to meet the unique needs of the School of Nuclear Engineering. Nuclear Engineering makes up only 2.5% of the engineering graduate enrollment (2007 figures), but has students working in several different, often non-overlapping research areas: fusion, materials, thermal hydraulics, neutronics, and laser research. The specificity of these areas often hamper graduate student interaction between different research groups. The NEGO aims to remedy this situation, in addition to furthering professional and academic development.

The NEGO Officers are:

  • Vice President: 
  • PGSG Nuclear Engineering Senate Representative: Stepan Ozerov