IE's Gesualdo Scutari named IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2023.

Scutari, Thomas and Jane Schmidt Rising Star Professor and IEEE Fellow, was recently selected as one of five distinguished lecturers for the upcoming year.
Photo of Professor Gesualdo Scutari
Gesualdo Scutari, Thomas and Jane Schmidt Rising Star Professor of Industrial Engineering and IEEE Fellow


The Signal Processing Society (SPS) is a division of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The SPS mission is to "advance and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community; and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas."  To help further the SPS mission, the IEEE SPS Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Program is an excellent resource for chapters to access some of the most respected experts in the field of signal processing. Through the DL Program, chapters have access to experts who can provide valuable insights into the latest research and developments in the field. 

Professor Scutari (a Fellow of IEEE) will build on this mission by delivering lectures that will be included in the SPS resource center once his term as distinguish lecturer ends.  These lectures will cover topics such as " Some Reflections on Distributed Optimization for Machine Learning: Beyond the Common Wisdom," "Communication Efficient Distributed Machine Learning," " Bringing Statistical Thinking in Distributed Optimization: Vignettes from High-Dimensional Statistical Inference" and "Unlocking Acceleration Via Data Similarity."

Related link: IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturers