Wu co-authors winning poster for LDRD
Wu, the Ravi and Eleanor Talwar Rising Star Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, is the co-PI for this project, along with Dr. Meng Zhou of New Mexico State University. The PI is Dr. Dong Ding at the DOE Idaho National Lab.
The annual Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) poster session was held Aug. 30, 2018, at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES). The event featured displays of the accomplishments of 33 of the LDRD projects completed in fiscal year 2018. Laboratory leadership, DOE-ID leadership, and INL research staff attended the poster session. Judges from across the laboratory volunteered their time and selected the winning posters. National laboratories perform R&D in support of DOE’s goals in catalyzing the transformation of the nation’s energy system, securing our leadership in clean energy, maintaining a vibrant scientific and engineering effort, and enhancing nuclear security through defense, nonproliferation, and environmental efforts.
Dr. Todd Combs, Science & Technology interim deputy laboratory director and Energy & Environment Science & Technology associate laboratory director, met with several of the presenting principal investigators (PIs) and presented the 2018 LDRD poster awards.