7 IE alumni join homecoming panel discussion

Photo of panel discussion
2nd annual IE alumni panel discussion
Photo of students and panelists
Photo of student and panelist
Purdue IE held its second annual alumni panel discussion titled "IE= CEO: Dynamic Careers in Industrial Engineering". Seven exceptional IE alumni and one current undergraduate participated in the discussion, attended by almost four times as many students as last year’s event.

Ninety-five students attended the panel discussion, including 67 first-year engineering students. 

This year's IE alumni panelists were:

  • Debra Hockemeyer (BSIE 1986), Executive Program Management, Leadership Coach and Mentor
  • Orlena Blanchard (BSIE 1994), President & COO, The JOY Collective
  • Rodrigo Londono (BSIE 2003), Co-Founder, SeroColombia
  • Geoff Cubitt (BSIE 1992), Former Co-CEO, Isobar-U.S.
  • Robert Maci (BSIE 2012) Project Manager, enVista Supply Chain Solutions
  • Lauren Reuland (BSIE 2017), Industrial Engineering Analyst, United Airlines
  • Kent Novak (BSIE 1987, MSIE 1988) Former Senior VP & General Manager, Texas Instruments

In addition, IE senior M. Alex Kortepter represented current students in the discussion. Kortepeter is the current Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) president, and also works with student consultant groups PurdueTHINK and Purdue Solutions.

The event took place on Sept. 21 in Grissom Hall, as part of Purdue IE's Homecoming activities.