IJIE publishes Yu article on posture choice impact

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The International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (IJIE) published an online article by Assistant Professor Denny Yu and collaborators from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, the SHARP Program, and North Carolina State University. The article is titled “Impact of posture choice on one-handed pull strength variations at low, waist, and overhead pulling heights”.


  • Manual exertions with one hand are commonly performed in the workplace.
  • Smaller front-foot to handle distances associated with higher strength exertions.
  • Larger hip distances from the handle increased pull strengths.
  • Presented models can assist practitioners to assess, improve, and design workplaces.


Manual exertions with one hand are commonly performed; however, current one-handed normative strength databases note large strength variations not explained by participant demographics, e.g., age and gender. This study models how the postures that participants choose impact their one-handed pull strength. Lower-extremity posture, defined as distance from handle, were measured for 31 participants performing two maximum one-handed frontal pull exertions at three handle heights, resulting in a strength-posture dataset of 186 maximal exertions. Regression models with anthropometric and lower extremity positions were created for each handle height. Smaller distances between the front-foot and handle were associated with higher strength. Larger back-foot distance to handle was positively associated with strength for low and waist-level handle heights. Larger hip distances from the handle increased pull strengths and interacted with feet positions. This study quantifies the relationship between one-handed pull strength with anthropometry and postures and provides practitioners posture-based equations that can be used to estimate safe pull strengths given workplace posture constraints.


26-JUL-2017 DOI information: 10.1016/j.ergon.2017.07.004