Purdue students design robotic frozen yogurt kiosk

Photo of FroYo Xpress
FroYo XPress, a Purdue student startup, is developing a robotic, self-serve frozen yogurt kiosk with all–natural and non-dairy options. The kiosk will allow customers to dispense as much frozen yogurt as they like then assign a price to that volume, with minimal inventory and labor requirements. (FroYo XPress Image)
Purdue student startup FroYo XPress is developing an automated, self-serve frozen yogurt kiosk that will offer an all-natural, non-dairy frozen yogurt with minimal inventory and labor requirements, according to Purdue Research Foundation news.

Marek Davis and Henry Berkemeier, both in the School of Industrial Engineering, and Aarti Panda, a student in Purdue University's Department of Computer Science, co-founded FroYo XPress to improve customers' frozen yogurt experiences with a self-serve design.

"We leverage the fundamental concept of autonomously dispensing food and beverages to increase affordability and accessibility of food," says the Froyo Xpress website. "Digitization of business is coming and we are on the forefront of this trend."

Read the full Purdue Research Foundation article (August 10, 2017).