Dumbacher to speak on "Space Exploration in 2050"

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Professor of Engineering Practice Daniel Dumbacher will be the plenary speaker at the 12th Annual Purdue Student Pugwash Midwest Regional Conference on “Space Exploration in 2050: How Do We Get There?”

The conference will take place April 7-8 in the Purdue Memorial Union West Faculty Lounge. Its theme of "Space and Society: Governing the Galaxy" will focus on the social and ethical dimensions relating to current issues of space technology.

Conference registration is free including dinner. Speakers for this event include: Daniel Dumbacher – Professor of Engineering Practice and previous NASA Deputy Associate Administrator; David Wolf – Purdue alum 28-year NASA veteran and astronaut; Robert Zubrin – Founder and President of the Mars Society; and Jay Melosh – World-renowned expert on impact cratering and Distinguished Professor of EAPS at Purdue.

Are all the claims about space exploration confusing? Is it unclear how we should move forward? Come hear Prof. Daniel Dumbacher, a former senior NASA official, discuss what is needed for sustainable, long-term exploration, and how the U.S. and its international partners should move forward in space exploration. Do we want to go straight to Mars? Do we go to the moon, or around the moon first? How does private industry and the government work together for best future?

Additionally, an interactive workshop will be hosted on Saturday, April 8, designed to give students the skills to understand space and other technological systems in a societal and policy context. The workshop will include a visioning exercise, a model-UN exercise on space, and small break-out discussions. Workshop applications are separate from the conference and are due March 24.

Conference information

Related Link: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2017/Q1/purdue-pugwash-conference-to-focus-on-social,-ethical-dimensions-of-space-technology.html