Registration Process Guide
Pre-Registration Steps
Locate Registration Open Dates registrar calendar. (Spring - mid October, Summer, early Jan, Fall - mid March)
Review Course Requirements (or Degree Requirements in the program handbook, Section 1).
Verify holds listed on myPurdue; unresolved holds could impact your ability to register. Holds are located under the “Academic” or “Financial” tabs under “Do I have any Holds?” For specific information, contact the office that placed the hold. (Common holds)
Time Periods for Adding/Dropping a Course*
*For a typical 16 Weeks/ Full Term in Fall & Spring, See Registration Calendars.
- Students may add courses via the Scheduling Assistant (Week 1)
- Add with and Instructor Approval by submitting a request in the Schedulingt Assistant. (Weeks 2-9)
- Students may drop courses via the Scheduling Assistant, Course not recorded. (Week 1 & 2)
- Drop with advisor approval via the Scheduling Assistant, Course recorded with a grade of "W" (Weeks 3 - 13)
How to Register
- Log into myPurdue and click on the Registration tab.
- Under Register for Classes, clin on the Scheduling Assistant. A new window will open.
- Enter Registration PIN 999999
Enter the courses in which you wish to register. All of your planned classes will apear in your Course Requests list of the Scheduling Assistant.
Register in IE69000 Graduate Professional Development Seminar (every semester)
- For MS-NonThesis and PMP Students Only
- Purdue Online (distance students), Graduate Co-Ops, Interns, and student in their final semester do not register.
Register in IE69000 Graduate Professional Development Seminar (every semester)
- Click on Build Schedule.
- To look up another class, go back to the Course Requests grud by clicking Add/Drop Courses.
- Click Submit Schedule. The schedule is validated through myPurdue.
If a Registration Error box pops up, click Request Approvals, Enter Request Note, check Disclaimer box, click Request Approvals.
- Once the student has requested an approval, the student can see the status of the Approval Request within the Scheduling Assistant.
- Please allow a minimum of 24-48 hours for registration requests to be reviewed by the graduate office.
- Once the final approval is granted the system the student will receive a notification email from the Office of the Registrar.
How to Register (video)
Scheduling Assistant Registration FAQs
Registration Tips
Use Lookup Classes in myPurdue when deciding what courses you will take to fullfill your degree requirements and completing your plan of study.
Some courses are offered in multiple modalities, please ensure you have the correct CRN for your program type (e.g. online vs in person).
At the graduate level, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure they are properly prepared to be successful for a course. To do this, we recommend the following:
Click on the course name for detailed course information such as registration availability, restrictions, and recommended prerequisite courses (please note, if you have taken a similar course to the prerequisite at another institution, this should suffice).
Textbook information is listed in the Schedule of Classes.
NOTE: Textbook information is subject to be changed at any time at the discretion of the faculty member. If you have questions or concerns please contact the academic department.
If you are uncertain about your preparedness for a course, we recommend reaching out to the instructor.
International Students Only:
Ensure you comply with all International Student Services (ISS) Office rules and policies relevant to your visa.
Maintain legal status by:
Registering for 8 credit hours per semester (an exception can be granted for your final semester with an approved Reduced Course Load (RCL) form).
Summer registration is not required to maintain full-time status
Auditing courses does not count toward full-time student status
No internships are allowed in the first or final term
Once you have completed your course requirements, you will not be allowed to remain on campus per federal regulations, so plan your course and graduation schedules accordingly.
For all other questions, including information on program extension, change of education level (COEL), curricular practical training (CPT), and optional practical training (OPT) please contact ISS.