Dr. Sanoar Rahman

Dr. Sanoar Rahman is a Clinical Assistant Professor with the College of Engineering Honors Program and the Honors College. Dr. Rahman’s teaching and research areas focus on environmental science and engineering, a passion that originated in his youth. He noticed environmental risks increasing in his hometown of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and wanted to be part of the solution. Dr. Rahman brings this enthusiasm for solving environmental issues to his teaching, with courses related to water resource management.  

When Dr. Rahman pursued his studies in Environmental Science, he wanted to support decision-making in a world of increasing environmental risks. When deciding on where to teach, he chose Purdue because of the variety of opportunities that the college had to offer in terms of teaching and research. For a future research project, he wishes to continue focusing on the quantification of future spatial and temporal variability of water resources that are taking human alterations and climatic factors into account.

Being part of the instructional team with the College of Engineering Honors Program and the Honors College is very rewarding for Dr. Rahman. He enjoys the variety of opportunities for creating new courses, teaching, research, and working with students who share excitement for addressing environmental issues. He values being part of a diverse and inclusive work environment, and has found that at Purdue.