
Bernard Engel

Glenn W. Sample Dean of Agriculture
(765) 494-8391


  • Ph.D., Purdue University
  • M.S., University of Illinois
  • B.S., University of Illinois

Research Summary

Dr. Engel has been a leader in the national effort to integrate GIS and information technologies with watershed modeling. As a result of his research he has designed powerful user-friendly modeling tools that reduce complex information into a model that can be used for evaluating research hypothesis or making design decisions. The tools he has invented have shaped a new approach to water quality modeling, enabling "basin-level" water quality modeling.

Selected Publications

  • Engel, B., Indrajeet Chaubey, Mark Thomas, Dharmendra Saraswat, Patrick Murphy, Budhendra Bhaduri. 2010. Biofuels and Water Quality: Challenges and Opportunities for Simulation Modeling. Biofuels 1(3):463-477.
  • Kim , J., B. A. Engel, Y. S. Park, L. Theller, I. Chaubey, D.S.Kong, K. J. Lim. 2012. Development of Web-based Load Duration Curve system for analysis of total maximum daily load and water quality characteristics in a waterbody. Journal of Environmental Management 97 (2012) 46-55.
  • Ahiablame, L., Engel, B., Chaubey, I. (2012). Effectiveness of Low Impact Development Practices: Highlights of the Current Knowledge and Suggestions for Future Research. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. DOI 10.1007/s11270-012-1189-2.

Awards and Honors
