Purdue EEE's Outstanding Teachers Fall 2024

The College of Engineering recognized faculty, lecturers and other staff for outstanding dedication to teaching students in a Purdue Exponent ad on Jan. 13. Five Environmental and Ecological Professors were recognized: Michelle Indarjit, Chad Jafvert, Lindsey Payne, Andrew Whelton, and Zhi (George) Zhou.

The College of Engineering recognized faculty, lecturers and other staff for outstanding dedication to teaching students in a Purdue Exponent ad on Jan. 13.

For the recognition, individual teacher averages were calculated based on six CIE teacher evaluation survey questions related to instructor effectiveness. Instructors with 75 percentile or higher evaluation scores in four groups — small, medium, large and very large courses — were recognized for the fall 2023 semester.

Five Environmental and Ecological Professors were recognized: Michelle Indarjit, Chad Jafvert, Lindsey Payne, Andrew Whelton, and Zhi (George) Zhou.