EEE introduces a new student focused fund just in time for Purdue Day of Giving!

New this year, EEE has a fund focused wholly on aiding undergraduate and graduate students. Gifts will go directly to students in need of help with research, study abroad experiences, service learning, class fees, conference attendance, and more.


On April 24, 2024, Boilermakers around the world will rally together for Purdue’s annual Day of Giving. This 24-hour event is dedicated to supporting the university by making financial contributions to Purdue and its various colleges and units.

New this year, EEE has a fund focused wholly on aiding undergraduate and graduate students. Gifts will go directly to students in need of help with research, study abroad experiences, service learning, class fees, conference attendance, and more. Dr. Nina Robinson, EEE Administrative Director, and creator of this fund, came up with the idea after last year’s Day of Giving.

“I wanted a way for donors to help students directly,” she says. “Other funds can be used for a variety of needs – all of which are necessary to run a university of this caliber – but there is something special about a direct approach to aiding EEE students.”

Miranda Stickel received funds from EEE last year to fulfill her dreams and study abroad in Spain. When she learned about the new fund, she said, “Experiential learning is such a wonderful opportunity and a key experience in enhancing skills learned in the classroom. My study abroad experience allowed me to learn more about my passions, my talents, and how to apply those within Environmental Engineering on a more global scale. I am so appreciative of EEE's help in my personal and academic advancement and I believe this fund will provide many more EEE students with their own life-changing experiences.”

This April, we invite you to support EEE and the future of sustainability, which lies in the hands of today’s exceptional students. We extend our thanks to Boilermakers and EEE supporters everywhere for your generosity. Boiler Up!