Outstanding Postdoctoral Researcher Award 2019-2020
For the first time, the College of Engineering has established an Outstanding Postdoctoral Researcher Award to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of postdoctoral researchers currently employed in Purdue’s College of Engineering who are pursuing careers in academia or entrepreneurship and innovation. The inaugural recipient of the award is Dr. Caitlin Proctor, a second-year Lillian Gilbreth Post-Doctoral Fellowship holder. Nominated by EEE, Proctor has been working collaboratively with Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering and Biomedical Engineering since she arrived at Purdue in 2018.
“It’s an honor to win this award and it puts a positive stamp on my truly wonderful time as a Purdue postdoc. I’ve learned so much and had amazing opportunities to be involved in some high profile and high impact projects. I’ve just signed an offer letter to start as a faculty member at Purdue in EEE and ABE starting in January 2021,” announces Proctor.