Elizabeth Topp

Professor of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy
Professor of Chemical Engineering

Purdue University
School of Chemical Engineering
Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering
480 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2100
(765) 496-7760 (office)
(765) 494-0805 (fax)
BChE, 1979, The University of Delaware
ME, 1984, The University of Pennsylvania
PhD, 1986, The University of Michigan

Research Interests

Group Webpage

Stability of peptide and protein drugs in amorphous solids, chemistry of the amorphous solid state, drug stability, immune response to protein drugs and biomaterials, mass transport in physical and biological systems.

Journal of Visualized Experiments video on Dr. Topp's research: Mass Spectrometric Approaches to Study Protein Structure and Interactions in Lyophilized Powders