ChE Entrepreneurship: Building on a Technical Foundation

Event Date: October 13, 2011
Speaker: Ms. Emily M. Liggett (BS 1977)
Speaker Affiliation: CEO
Nova Torque, LLC
Sponsor: Centennial Seminar
Time: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: FRNY G140


Entrepreneurship is a fascinating career for the strong of heart.  Starting a new technology-based company builds on a technical foundation — but what else is involved?  Emily will discuss her views of what high tech entrepreneurship is all about, venture capital and fundraising, her successes and failures, lessons, recommendations and possible next steps if you'd like to explore this option.


Emily started a traditional ChE career path after receiving her BS ChE from Purdue as a DuPont process engineer at the Chambers Work (NJ) VITON fluoroelastomer plant.  She had several assignments at DuPont before going back to graduate school for an MSMSE and MBA at Stanford and then joined material science company Raychem.  Many years later, she is the CEO of a venture-funded cleantech start-up developing high efficiency electric motors based on ferrite permanent magnets.  Emily has worked in Japan, Belgium and Australia, is married to her Purdue sweetheart and they have four lively children.  She also enjoys serving on public (technology) company boards and the elder board of her church.