Research team awarded $2.5M in critical infrastructure project funding from NSF

Satish Ukkusuri
A team of researchers led by Satish Ukkusuri, Professor of Civil Engineering, has been selected to receive a $2.48 million National Science Foundation CRISP grant to address our nation's critical need for more resilient infrastructure and enhanced services.

A team of researchers led by Satish Ukkusuri, Professor of Civil Engineering, has been selected to receive a $2.48 million National Science Foundation grant to address our nation's critical need for more resilient infrastructure and enhanced services.

The project, titled "Critical Transitions in the Resilience and Recovery of Interdependent Social and Physical Networks," will serve as part of the NSF's multiyear initiative on modeling resilience in interdependent systems and is funded by a NSF wide program known as CRISP: Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes.

The multi-university team is a collaboration of researchers from Purdue (Satish Ukkusuri from Civil Engineering, Shreyas Sundaram from Electrical and Computer Engineering and Seungyoon Lee from Communication) and the University of North Texas (Dr. Laura Siebeneck, Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Science).

More details about this project can be found at: