D. Marshall Porterfield

D. Marshall Porterfield

Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Purdue University
Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
225 South University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2093
Office: ABE 2041 D
Phone: +1 765 49-41190

Areas of Interest

  • Biological Engineering

Research Areas

Biosensors. Lab-on-a-chip MEMS devices for cell sensing. Biomimetic sensors for environmental monitoring Bio-nanotechnology. Bioregenerative Life Support. Nutrient delivery systems for use in microgravity.


Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield is a Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering at Purdue, where his research focuses on biosensors, bionanotechnology, and space biology. Over the last 25 years he has worked experimentally to study biological systems in the spaceflight environment for development of biomedical countermeasures and bioregenerative life support technologies. He recently served NASA as Division Director for Space Life and Physical Sciences from 2012-2016 (Human Research, Physical Sciences, and Space Biology Programs), focused on science for future human exploration using the International Space Station. During his tenure at NASA he developed a new “open science” paradigm (geneLAB, materialsLAB) for the utilization of the ISS. He has published over 100 peer reviewed manuscripts, as well as numerous technical publications, patents, and book chapters. National leadership includes service as President of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, and the Institute for Biological Engineering. He has received numerous awards including the Halstead Investigator Award, the Purdue University Faculty Scholar Award, and was elected to the College of Fellows for the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

Publication reprints available upon request or at Google Scholar.