Author: Carol Weaver
Event Date: July 18, 2016
Time: 9:30 am
Location: ASABE International Meeting
Contact Email: cmweaver@purdue.edu
Open To: Registered members of ASABE
Priority: No
School or Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering
College Calendar: Show
The Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering will be well-represented at the ASABE Annual Meeting in Orlando. Watch this announcement for scheduled presentations.
Time Speaker/Topic Location
Monday, July 18, 2016
9:30 am - 12:15 pm Bill Field, "The effects of grain type and condition on the force needed to extricate a victim Coronado C
  Bernie Engel, "From an Undergraduate Agricultural Engineering to Head of an ABE Department: Some Things I've Learned Along the Way" Fiesta 5
  Sanoar Rahman, "Impact of ground water withdrawals for irrigation on aquifer storage in Indiana" Veracruz B
  Nina Omani, "Assessing sensitivity to two Indianan river basins water quality, quantity, and agriculture to drought Veracruz B
  Sushant Mehan, "Comparison of stochastic weather generators for long-term climate data simulation in the Great Lakes Region" Veracruz B
  Yaoze Liu, "Comparison of computer models in estimating hydrology and water quality at watershed scales" Veracruz B
  Achint Sanghi, "Modeling Soybean Flow in a Mixed Flow Grain Dryer," (10:45) and "Modeling high capacity solar dryers for drying corn in Ghana" (11:15) Fiesta 10
2:30 pm - 5:45 pm Elizabeth Hawkins, "Improving data quality with data integrity zones" Fiesta 5
  Dharmendra Saraswat, "Android Application for Cotton Management" Coronado N
  Sisi Li, "Development of a distributed hydrologic model to facilitate watershed management" Coronado Q
  Jingqiu Chen, "Urbanization impact on surface runoff of the contiguous United States" Coronado Q
  Hendrik Rathjens, "Evaluation of upland-floodplain delineation methods across scales and DEM resolutions" Coronado Q
  Dennis Flanagan, "Water erosion prediction project (WEPP) model status and updates Coronado R
  Julia Burchell, "Enzymatic process for making plasticizers from high soybean oil" Veracruz C
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
9:30 am - 12:15 pm Natalie Carroll, "Soil & water science curriculum for informal youth education" Veracruz B
  Bill Field, "Summary of pre- and post-test finding of a curriculum for young and beginning workers in the grain industry" Coronado E
  Yang Wang, "CANdroid: Freeing ISOBUS data and enabling machine data analytics" Veracruz B
  Colin Bell, "Urban stormwater best management practices affect stream water quality" Coronado P
  Jane Frankenberger, "Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in a two-stage agriculture ditch" Coronado T
  Sara McMillan, "The effects of restoration on reach scale nutrient uptake and nutrient transformation in agriculture headwater streams" Coronado T
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm Shawn Ehlers, "Examination of Factors Impairing Operator Visibility for Machinery with Known blind Spots" Veracruz B
  Jian Jin, "A New Non-destructive Plant Root Imaging System," (2:50) and "Spectral Response of Crop Plan under Drought and Nitrogen Stress Simultaneously" (4:15) Coronado E
  Keith Cherkauer, "Teaching Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture" Coronado A
  Siwen Zhao, "The Design of PUP Hydraulic Controlled Well Driver for Small Household" Veracruz B
  Ahmed Hashem, "Comparison of SWAT-Estimated ET with Remotely Sensed ET" Coronado N
  Tian Guo, "Comparison of performance of tile drainage routines in SWAT 2009 and 2012 in the Little Vermillion River Watershed" Coronado O
  Colleen Moloney, "Modification of SWAT tile drainage simulation and evaluation using measured tile flow" Coronado O
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
7:30 am - 10:15 am Yang Wang, "Robust estimation of field management zones using multi-year data and a hidden mark of random field" Coronado D
  Jiechao (Simon) Ma, "Fractionation of Corn Stover using a lab-scale rotating drum" Coronado P
  Garrett Pignotti, "Sensitivity and skill of SWAT model soil water content dynamics" Coronado Q
  Jane Frankenberger, "Transforming Drainage: Retaining water for increased resilience and decreased nutrient loss" Coronado R
  Samaneh Saadat, "Nitrate and phosphorus losses from an agricultural drained field in Indiana under free and controlled tile drainage" Coronado R
  Mavis Owureku-Asare, "Solar Drying characteristics of pretreated tomatoes based on local weather conditions in Ghana" Fiest 4
10:30 am - 1:15 pm Samuel Noel, The trials tracker app: For synchronized, mobile yield data analysis of on-farm trials" Coronado E
  Cibin Raj, "Conservation practice strategies for economically and environmentally sustainable corn stover harvest for biofuel" Coronado N
  Qingyu Feng, "Effects of conservation practices on phosphorous loss reduction from an Indiana agricultural watershed" Coronado O
  Indrajeet Chaubey, "Bioenergy driven vulnerability and sustainability assessment in Midwest USA" Coronado S