Saumitra Mehrotra's Biography

Saumitra Mehrotra received his Bachelor Degree in 2005 from University of Delhi and Master degree in 2007 from University of Cincinnati. Saumitra joined the Klimeck research group in August 2007.
Saumitra's research is focused on the modeling and simulation of transport in nanoscale devices. He is using OMEN as a primary vehicle for modeling and simulation. He is also involved in development of many computational tools presently deployed on
Saumitra has a contributor web page on
During his tenure in the Klimeck group he worked on the following research projects:
- Development of Nanowire code on nanoHUB.
- Development of simulation tools for semiconductor course work. Tools are developed, updated and maintained as part of the ABACUS suite of tools on nanoHUB.
- Study done on understanding surface and orientation dependence on performance of nanowire PMOS. It was presented at WMED conference at Boise, USA (April 3 2009).
- Study done on benchmarking Top of the Barrier model with 3D simulation using OMEN. Validity of the ToB model was analyzed for different device length regimes. Computational runtime comparison was also performed. It was oresented at IWCE (2009) conference at Beijing, China (May 27-29 2009).
- Study done on benchmarking tight-binding VCA model for SiGe against experimental data. The VCA model was verified for both bulk relaxed and strained SiGe. Benchmarking of bulk SiGe and strained SiGe/(100)Si bandstructure using Tight-binding VCA model
- The role of uniaxial+biaxial compressive strain in SiGe was done to understand the effect of asymmetric strain. The results qualitatively explain observed linear hole mobility enhancement as reported by J. Hoyt (IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 782 – 784, August, 2010.) using asymmetric strain..Effect of biaxial+uniaxial compressive strain on
SiGe /Si hole bandstructure and pMOSFET
- A new theoretical model was showed to compute alloy scattering potentials and predict alloy scattering rates in SiGe. An excellent match with both electron and hole mobility was found. Atomistic approach to alloy scattering in SiGe
- For all III-V logic to be successful we need a good performing PMOS , III-V material. A study was conducted to analyze performance of Ion in GaAs UTB depending on strain/confinement/and orientation. Performance enhancement of GaAs UTB pFETs by strain, orientation and body thickness engineering
- Demonstrated a direct correlation between ballistic injection velocity and experimental hole mobility for Ge UTB. Strain found to be a diminishing performance booster with confinement. Ballistic hole injection velocity analysis in Ge UTB pMOSFETs using OMEN
- Full-band extended device atomistic quantum transport simulations are performed for nanowire MOSFETs at Lg<8 nm in both ballistic and incoherent scattering regimes. Engineering nanowire n-MOSFETs at Lg < 8nm using OMEN
- The role of alloy and phonon scattering is theoretically explored in 5 nm diameter SiGe nanowires at room temperature. It is concluded that to extract any advantage of higher Ge hole mobility by alloying, Ge% > 70% is needed. Furthermore, the 〈111〉 channel orientation exhibits the highest hole mobility while 〈100〉 has the lowest hole mobility for any given alloy composition. Atomistic simulation of phonon and alloy limited hole mobility in Si1-xGex nanowires using NEMO5
- Transistor designs based on using mixed -L valleys for electron transport are proposed to overcome the density of states bottleneck while maintaining high injection velocities. GaSb/GaAs/Ge-OI (111) UTB's along with InAs /Si-OI(100) are considered. Simulation Study of Thin-Body Ballistic n-MOSFET Involving Transport in Mixed Γ-L valleys.[J192] using NEMO5
- The impact of fin tapering is investigated in nanoscale FinFETs, on its DC performance using atomistic simulations in the ballistic limit. Effect of Fin Tapering in Nanoscale Si FinFETs[P169] using NEMO5