A Brief Overview
The Nanoelectronic Modeling Group works in the area of nanoelectronics where we try to better the understanding of electron flow through nano-scale devices. The effort on modeling and simulation is heavily computer based. We try to connect to experimental results which we try to explain or even predict experiments.
While some developments are based on Matlab prototypes most of the work flows into the construction of substantial simulators like NEMO 1-D, NEMO 3-D, and OMEN.
Group Goals
The ultimate goal of the group is not only to advance science and engineering through individual research objectivves, but to create modeling and simulation tools that can be used by other researchers, educators, and students. The outreach outlet is the nanoHUB where the group is creating new content for simulation tools, tutorials, and additional educational material. nanoHUB provides the capability to perform on-line simulation through a web browser without the installation of any software. nanoHUB served currently serves over 6,700 simulation users and over 89,000 users in the year 2008 alone. Updated nanoHUB usage statistics can be found here.
The group consists of undergraduate and graduate students, post-docs and research scientists. Some group pictures are available.
Prospective Students
Prospective students applying to Purdue University and the Klimeck group in particular are encouraged to read the "prospective students page".
Notes to new graduate students in the group with respect to business operations, paper writing, data management etc. are also available.