Abhijeet Paul

Tight-binding Virtual Crystal Approximation model for SiGe

Tight-binding Virtual Crystal Approximation model for SiGe Abhijeet Paul, Saumitra Mehrotra, Mathieu Luisier and Gerhard Klimeck


  • Bandstructure model forSiGe mosFETS. (higher hole and electron mobility compared to Si).
  • Benchmarking with Experimental Bandedge data.


  • VirtualCrystalApproximationinTB(TB-VCA):
  • Adjustbond-lengthforinternalstrain.
  • TB-Hamiltonian accounting for internal and external strain


Experimental benchmark of bandedge data in relaxed and biaxially
strained SiGe bulk.


  • Very good match with experimental data
  • For bandedges
  • For effective masses.

Powerpoint slide as ppt, pdf, or as image below.