Students on our ARL project, Adithya and Akhil, won second prize at the CERIAS poster award competition. This was held (virtually, like everything else these days) as part of the CERIAS annual symposium. CERIAS is the university’s security center and has been running for 25+ years. The work is part of a project on security in embedded systems and this specific poster is on a protocol for consensus that is energy efficient and uses the characteristics of the wireless network. Work done with Aniket (Kate; Purdue CS) and Mike (Reiter; UNC CS).
- Paper on approximate video analytics accepted to Sensys 2020 – lead author is Ran Xu and this is joint work with a Computer Vision expert from Wisconsin, Yin Li, and Adobe Research.
Ran Xu, Chen-lin Zhang (Nanjing University), Pengcheng Wang, Jayoung Lee, Subrata Mitra (Adobe Research), Somali Chaterji, Yin Li (U of Wisconsin at Madison), and Saurabh Bagchi, “ApproxDet: Content and Contention-Aware Approximate Object Detection for Mobiles,” Accepted to appear at the 18th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), pp. 1-14, Nov 2020. (Acceptance rate: 44/213 = 20.7%)
- Paper on behavioral game theoretic security for distributed CPS is accepted to AsiaCCS – lead author is Mustafa Abdallah and this is joint work with Shreyas Sundaram (Purdue ECE) and Tim Cason (Purdue Economics), plus Ohio State University (Parinaz Naghizadeh) and QCRI (Issa Khalil).
Mustafa Abdallah, Daniel Woods, Parinaz Naghizadeh (Ohio State University), Issa Khalil (Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI)), Timothy Cason, Shreyas Sundaram, and Saurabh Bagchi, “Morshed: Guiding Behavioral Decision-Makers towards Better Security Investment in Interdependent Systems,” Accepted to appear at the 16th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), pp. 1–15, 2021. (Acceptance rate: 28/157 = 17.8%)