May 2024

At the semester-end celebration, we recognized the DCSL award winners. The three traditional awards are:

  1. DCSL Group Champ: The DCSL member who has stood the tallest, with papers, presentations, awards (both external and internal), mentoring junior members, and special initiatives. These metrics are counted over the semester that has just gone by.
  2. DCSL Best Fresher: The same criteria as above, but now meant for a member who has started less than a year back in the research group.
  3. DCSL Superstar Undergrad: As DCSL has attracted a number of sterling undergraduate researchers, this award recognizes one such who has stood tall.

This semester’s winners and their citations are:

  1. DCSL Group Champ: Akhil Sai: “For making the twains of security and energy efficiency meet”
  2. DCSL Best Fresher: Joshua McKerracher: “For usable data analytics and at scale”
  3. DCSL Superstar Undergrad: Leon Yee: “For putting our best face forward through fantastic front end design”

Album from the event is at: