Purdue Table Tennis Club ping-pongs closer to a national title!

by | Dec 2, 2022

The Purdue Table Tennis Club recently placed first in the NCTTA Fall Divisional Tournament, strengthening the team’s chances of competing in the regional and national competitions.

“Anyone in the community can play,” Karthik Ramani, the Donald W. Feddersen Distinguished professor of mechanical engineering and faculty advisor for the Purdue Table Tennis Club said. “It’s five dollars (to play), so they can just come and play with the club. They advantage is they get some coaching with experts…or they just have fun…But it’s open to anybody in the community.”

Being the self-proclaimed “underdogs” of the NCTTA Fall Divisional Tournament, the win was not expected, especially when facing off against some of the historically top-placing teams in the Midwest. That being said, the win was a welcome and much celebrated one.

Click here for the full news article: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/local/purdue/2022/11/14/purdue-table-tennis-club-ping-pongs-closer-to-a-national-title/69627331007/