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Continuous Analysis of Many CAMeras

CAM2 provides an event-based API and is open to researchers to analyze the data for their studies.




CAM2 is cloud-based system for studying the worldwide phenomena using network cameras. CAM2 provides an event-based API and is open to researchers to analyze the data for their studies. The web interface allows users to select the cameras for analysis. The cloud computing engine can scale in response to the needs of analysis programs.


  1. Create computer vision programs to analyze image and video
  2. Manage cloud resources efficiently for large-scale data analytics
  3. Discover network cameras


  1. CAM2 Project Website


  • Cloud Computing
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Networking

Research Issues:

  • Computer Vision
  • Cloud Resource Management

Meeting Projects and Meeting Times (Spring 2021, online)


Meeting Time



Fairness in Computer Vision (formerly Embedded Computer Vision)

3:00-3:50 PM 

Create computer vision technologies that is fair to different people performing different tasks in different environments

Yung-Hsiang Lu


Please note that the Analyze the Risk of COVID-19 in Crowded Locations,  Forest Inventory AnalysisDrone Video Analysis, and Video Analytics for Understanding Human Behavior teams are also part of the CAM2 Research project.