Site Acceptance Testing completed on PUR-1 I&C Replacement

Purdue Nuclear Reactor Supervisor and Assistant Lab Director Clive Townsend announced on December 21 that the Site Acceptance Testing for the Significant Upgrade of the Instrumentation and Control Systems of the Purdue University Reactor, PUR-1, has been completed.

The project involves a significant change for the Purdue Reactor and represents an investment of over $1M in the reactor facilities including four new detectors by the Department of Energy's Nuclear Energy University Program. “All four detectors have been placed in the reactor pool, tested, and verified to operate as expected with the new control system,” Townsend said. “This work, along with the recent power uprate, will allow the School of Nuclear Engineering to produce elite engineers and perform significant research for many years to come.”

Pictured right: Three of four new detectors are placed within the Purdue Reactor.

Townsend (pictured left) noted that upcoming work required for full implementation will involve the preparation of documents to send to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to obtain a license amendment and permanent system install. “This is a big milestone,” he added. “But it is certainly not the end of the road.”

Dr. Robert Bean is the reactor’s laboratory Director, and he is supported by Clive Townsend, Reactor Supervisor/Assistant Lab Director and David Storz, Electronics Technician. To learn more about Purdue University Reactor Number One, you may reach out to Clive Townsend ( or visit: