Nuclear Engineering Program Objectives
The educational objective of the Nuclear Engineering program is to produce graduates capable of achieving the following in the future:
Identify and excel in wide variety of careers in which the skills, knowledge, and abilities gained in nuclear engineering and the broader engineering fields can be applied.
Make significant contributions to global world energy supplies through the nuclear enterprise and other related fields including, but not limited to, medicine, security and space transportation.
Apply their skills, abilities, and capability to acquire relevant knowledge to the challenges of the day including, but not limited to, global energy supply, fresh water and medical care.
Achieve success in their chosen career or profession as evidenced by career advancement and satisfaction, entrepreneurial activities, professional leadership of national and international activities.
Conduct themselves with the highest professional and ethical principles.
The key constituents of the undergraduate educational program in nuclear engineering are:
Students: The main objective of the undergraduate program is to educate our students. This is performed through our courses and through direct interaction with faculty, teaching assistants and among themselves.
Alumni: They represent our School and Purdue University in the professional community and society. They help us to evaluate and update our program outcomes.
Faculty: They are the educators. Furthermore, they sustain a world-class research program that benefits the undergraduate education.
Employers: (represented by the School’s Advisory Committee and the Engineering Advisory Council): Many of our students enter careers in industry. The guidance of industry is essential to formulate and revise our program objectives.
The careers of our students are varied. Many follow paths into academia, medicine, business, etc. The program educational objectives strive to give our students a broad set of skills even beyond those derived from our employers, government and research.