IE students represent at spring undergraduate research symposium; case competition

This spring students from the School of Industrial Engineering took part in a variety of competitions and experienced success while facing some very talented competitors.


At the Andrew P. Sage Memorial Capstone Design Competition, hosted by George Mason University, the "Improving Mobile Application and Plugin for Unmanned Air Systems" team, consisting of Amber Wentz, Amit Sundaram, Adeline Hauck, Kayla Whisman and William Robertson, and "Finished Material Crating Process" team which was represented in-person by Isabelle Widmann and virtually by Hoang Tue Nguyen Dinh, both earned honorable mention in their respective tracks.

Students from both teams that presented at the Sage Memorial Case Competition hosted by George Mason University.


At the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium IE's Rhea Dutta took 3rd place in the John Martinson Honors College with "Engineering Faculty Perceptions of Participating in a SoTL Professional Development Intervention" while Zachary Ramirez earned 2nd place in the Interdisciplinary Presentations Awards for his poster "Assessing the Resilience of the Semiconductor Supply Chain."