Student Spotlight: Vikas Devulapalli

Author: Chloee Robison
Meet Vikas Devulapalli!
Vikas Devulapalli, rising senior and current president of Purdue IISE, recently won the IISE Council of Fellows Undergraduate Scholarship. The award recognizes ISE students for their outstanding academics and leadership, as well as their potential service to the industrial engineering profession.


Vikas is a member of Purdue Engineering Presidents' Council (PEPC) and Purdue Mortar Board. He has previously served as the Industry Relations, Career Fair, & Professional Development Director for IISE and the Vice President of Professional Development for Alpha Kappa Psi. He has been a part of the EPICS Innovations in Industrial Engineering team and was a member of the Boilermaker Chain Reaction Team, which won the 2022 national championship. 


Vikas Devulapalli

Vikas came to Purdue from Chesterfield, Missouri with a passion for math and science and a plan to study engineering. He says what gravitated him towards IE was its combination of data science, statistics, human factors, and interpersonal skills needed to solve complex problems. He chose Purdue for its top-ranked IE program and “big school feel.” Vikas says he knew he made the right decision during his sophomore year when he heard Dr. Son, head of industrial engineering, say in a speech, “While most engineers make things, IEs make things better.”  
Vikas got involved early in IISE. “Joining IISE in my sophomore year has easily been the most transformative experience during my college career,” Vikas says. “The amount I’ve been able to develop both professionally and personally in just a few years, through upperclassmen mentorship, leadership positions, and the community fostered in the club has only motivated me to try to give just as much back as the current President.” This past semester, under Vikas’s leadership, Purdue IISE grew to over 300 members and was able to send over 50 people to the IISE Regional Conference at Ohio University. The chapter also had the highest number of registrations in the nation for green belt courses.  
Vikas credits his supportive Executive Board and talented group of Directors and Board Members for making such accomplishments possible. “The people truly make all the hard work worth it, and I’m hoping to keep this momentum going into the fall semester!” 
The IISE Council of Fellows Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to a limited number of students each year, and the scholarship grants each awardee a monetary prize for their commitment and excellence in industrial engineering. “Winning this award is a huge honor and a validation that my efforts have been able to make a difference in the Purdue IE community,” Vikas says. “It wouldn’t have been possible without the support from my family, peers, and the Purdue IE faculty and staff. My initial motivation to join the Board for IISE was to be able to make contributions that will allow me to leave Purdue IE a better place than I found it, and this recognition only motivates me to continue this into my final year on campus.”  
“I’d like to thank my family for always believing in me and being incredibly supportive no matter what it is I decide to pursue,” says Vikas. “I’d also like to thank all the current and former members of IISE who have made it all worth it and who’ve become some of my closest friends while at Purdue. Finally, I’d like to thank all the Purdue IE faculty and staff, particularly Dr. Son, Dr. Caldwell, and Daniel Roberts, for being so supportive of everything our chapter and I have done this past semester.” 
His work isn’t done yet! This next semester in IISE, Vikas plans to continue to grow membership and strengthen the organization’s connections with companies and alumni. In February of 2025, Purdue will be hosting the IISE Great Lakes Regional Conference. The chapter will be hard at work this semester putting together all the necessary components to make the event a success. As Vikas says, “We hope to show other programs in the Midwest what makes Purdue IE so special!” 

Written by: Chloee Robison