Yu She recipient of Showalter Trust Research Award

The award will help fund She's research "Feeling the Difference: High-Resolution Tactile Mapping in Surgery."
Yu She, Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering.


The research seeks to develop a soft robot tentacle rich in tactile sensors while remaining less than 8 mm in diameter. The purpose of the proposed research is to enhance the tactile capabilities of surgeons during robotic minimally invasive surgeries. 

The device will be equipped with embedded cameras and capacitive sensor arrays, which will provide high-dimension, high-resolution, fully covered tactile feedback. The data will be transformed through artificial intelligence and neural networks into estimation of contact geometry and dimension, force distribution, and the positioning of objects encountered during surgery, granting surgeons an almost tangible understanding of the surgical field. 

According to She, the advancement has the potential to refine surgical techniques, diminish the likelihood of complications, and enhance overall patient care. 

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Full article with all awardees

Source: Yu She

Writer: Dave Montgomery