Alumna Spotlight: Priya Desarazu

Priya Desarazu, a class of '22 graduate, senior design competition winner, and former vice-president of Purdue's Society of Women Engineers, provides an update on life after graduation and tells us a little bit about her experience with SWE and Senior Design.

About her time with SWE

"I was an active member of Purdue’s Society of Women Engineers for all four years of college. I have held three leadership positions for three of them, and during my senior year, I served as the Vice President. We are the second-largest engineering organization on campus with roughly 700 members. Per our mission statement, “We are a community that empowers to achieve full careers as engineers and women, expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity and inclusion.” As the Vice President, I acted as the face of the club; running callouts and interacting with incoming students were only a snippet of the responsibilities I faced. Most students choose to study Industrial Engineering because they eventually want to manage a team of people; this leadership position allowed me to acquire a lot of the skills needed to do so.  

Throughout my time in this club, I was able to meet some incredible women and expand my professional network. This organization gave me the skills to improve my resume as well bestow me with my first internship at a Fortune 500 company. It also allowed me to talk to younger students about the ins and outs of studying a subject that is still predominantly male and to give them advice on how to navigate certain obstacles. We are a tight-knit society that only strives to help one another in any way possible; the opportunities that I experienced while in this organization were endless and enabled me to get where I am today."

Senior Design

I was part of the team that won first place in the Spring 2022 Industrial Engineering Senior Design Competition. Our project involved creating a lab space solely meant for Industrial Engineering students to utilize in order to promote a more hands-on environment. This project taught me the classic lesson of hard work ALWAYS paying off. My team and I devoted hours upon hours to creating this project and asked questions no matter how irrelevant we thought they were.

Life After Graduation: Wells Fargo

Currently, I work at Wells Fargo as a Technology Analyst. I am on the Business Continuity Planning team where we ensure the bank is still up and running in times of a disaster. The broad curriculum of Industrial Engineering helped me to prepare for this role. The recruiters loved seeing the diverse range of classes that we have to take. The leadership roles I held in SWE also helped me to earn this position, as the interviewers loved to hear about the skills I acquired while serving on the board. It also made me realize how important diversity and inclusion really are within companies.