Deng selected for CMI Leadership Academy
The CMI Leadership Academy is a yearlong experience designed to develop leadership and management skills for aselect group of emerging leaders within CMIs research community. The Academy aims to develop a leadership talent pool in research and other organizations.
Leadership Academy members are selected by the CMI Leadership Team. Each class has seven to ten members, mostly from national laboratories, but also top research institutions.
Each class is exposed to a range of activities over the course of the year, including; reading and discussing selected papers from Harvard Business Review (HBR) and similar sources; judging the poster session at the CMI Winter Meeting and organizing a CMI short course; learning about leadership qualities and how others respond to those qualities; and regular meetings with the CMI Leadership Team. Each activity is designed to develop a particular skill or capability. The group meets in person (2-3 times) and via videoconference (approximately once a month).
Sidi Deng studies with Dr. Yih.
Please join us in congratulating Sidi on this wonderful opportunity.