Dr. Cai and Dr. Kou earn "2020 Best Paper" accolades

Resources, Conservation & Recycling journal named three "Best Paper" awards from 2020. Recent IE graduate, Zhaoyu Kou, PhD,'s work, "Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions reduction from bike share systems: a model considering real-world trips and transportation mode choice patterns", was among them.

Among the 501 papers the journal published in 2020, three papers were selected by the Award Committee to receive the 2020 Best Paper Awards:

  • Buildings and the circular economy: Estimating urban mining, recovery and reuse potential of building components, by Mohit Arora of Singapore University of Technology and Design and colleagues (Arora et al., 2020).
  • Spaceship earth's odyssey to a circular economy - a century long perspective, by Willi Haas of University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences and colleagues (Haas et al., 2020).
  • Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions reduction from bike share systems: a model considering real-world trips and transportation mode choice patterns, by Hua Cai of Purdue University and colleagues (Kou et al., 2020).

The selection of the Best Paper Awards is based on the following criteria:

  • Rigor: How rigorous and thorough is the work?
  • Novelty: How innovative is the research?
  • Importance: How significant does the work advance the field?
  • Presentation: How clear does the paper present the research?

The members of the 2020 Best Paper Award Committee are:

  • Jorge de Brito, Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa
  • Gang He, Stony Brook University
  • Ramzy Kahhat, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Junbeum Kim, University of Technology of Troyes
  • Gang Liu, University of Southern Denmark


Arora, M., Raspall, F., Cheah, L., & Silva, A. (2020). Buildings and the circular economy: Estimating urban mining, recovery and reuse potential of building components. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 154, 104581.

Haas, W., Krausmann, F., Wiedenhofer, D., Lauk, C., & Mayer, A. (2020). Spaceship earth's odyssey to a circular economy-a century long perspective. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 163, 105076.

Kou, Z., Wang, X., Chiu, S. F. A., & Cai, H. (2020). Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions reduction from bike share systems: a model considering real-world trips and transportation mode choice patterns. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 153, 104534.