Wu grad student receives MRS Grad Student Award

Photo of Yixiu Wang
Yixiu Wang (3rd from left)
Photo of Wang's certificate
Wang’s Silver Graduate Student Award
A third-year PhD student in the Wu Group received the Materials Research Society (MRS) Silver Graduate Student Award (GSA) during its annual spring meeting.

Yixiu Wang presented his research on 2-D tellurene nanelectronics, a new 2D material discovered in the Wu lab, in a ten-minute presentation during the meeting, to compete for the graduate student awards.

The MRS GSA is the highest award given to graduate students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research. This year, only 19 students globally were selected, and Purdue University sent three awardees to the meeting (the other two students are from Chemistry and ME). Finalists receive the Graduate Student Gold ($400) or Silver ($200) Award with a certificate and a pin.