Outstanding Industrial Engineers honored

Photo of 2018 OIEs and Dr. Steve Landry
2018 OIEs
The School of Industrial Engineering held its annual Outstanding Industrial Engineer (OIE) Awards Ceremony on April 25, 2019.

Steven Landry, Acting Head and Professor of the Purdue School of Industrial Engineering, welcomed the 2018 award recipients, faculty, staff, advisory council members, family and friends. Awardees included:

Mr. Thomas J. Benes (BSIE 1975, MSIE 1976), President & CEO of Forum Purchasing, LLC 

Dr. Steven L. Dumbauld (BSIE 1972), Nephrologist (retired), Kidney and Hypertension Center; currently a volunteer Physician at Hope Clinic, Pamlico County, NC, and at Good Samaritan Hospital's Free Clinic, Cincinnati, OH

Col. I. Milo Hardin (BSIE 1974), USAF (retired); and Captain, Southwest Airlines (retired)

Dr. Kenneth J. Musselman (PhD 1978), Director, Strategic Collaboration (retired), Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering at Purdue University

Mr. Thomas P. Schmidt (BSIE 1969), Vice President Engineering (retired), CSX Railroad; and currently History Instructor, University of North Florida Division of Continuing Education (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)

Photo of Thomas Benes & family Photo of Dr. Steven & Diane Dumbauld

Mr. Thomas J. Benes (BSIE 1975, MSIE 1976)           Dr. Steven L. Dumbauld (BSIE 1972)

Photo of Milo Hardin & familyPhoto of Dr. Kenneth Musselman  & family

Mr. I. Milo Hardin (BSIE 1974)                                       Dr. Kenneth J. Musselman (PhD 1978)

Photo of Thomas Schmidt & family

Mr. Thomas P. Schmidt (BSIE 1969) 

Photos: DeEtte Starr, starrd@purdue.edu