Refurbished Grissom "pendant" rehung for celebration ceremony

Event Date: September 25, 2015
The iconic Grissom Hall "pendant" was refurbished and rehung on September 22 - in time for the upcoming October 9 & 10 Grissom Hall Celebration.

Grissom Hall was originally built in 1906, then added to in 1927 when the pendant was added as a lantern. During the 1964 Grissom remodeling project, the electrical contractor removed the lantern, converted it to a 175w reflector mercury lamp and reinstalled it. There it hung until the recent "reinvention" of Grissom Hall, which the School of Industrial Engineering will celebrate Oct. 9 & 10. Purdue IE alumni and friends are invited to attend. (See link to RSVP.)

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